swagger: '2.0' info: description: Swedish Companies Registration Office API for electronic annual reports version: '1.1' title: API for electronic annual reports contact: {name: The Swedish Companies Registration Office Group for electronic annual reports, email: emsdiar@bolagsverket.se} license: {name: Public document according to the Swedish Press Act, url: 'http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19490105.htm#K2P3'} host: api.bolagsverket.se basePath: /lamna-in-arsredovisning/v1.1 schemes: [https] tags: - {name: inlamning, description: Services that receive electronic annual reports for signing} paths: /skapa-inlamningtoken: post: tags: [inlamning] summary: Create token for submission description: The service creates the token for use when submitting document. operationId: skapa-inlamningtoken consumes: [application/json;charset=utf-8] produces: [application/json;charset=utf-8] parameters: - name: anropsobjekt description: Personal identification number and organization number in: body required: true schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/SkapaInlamningTokenAnrop'} responses: '200': description: Tasks received schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/SkapaTokenOK'} '400': description: Bad request schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '403': description: Unauthorized user of service schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '404': description: Personal identification number is missing schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '500': description: Unspecified technical problem schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '503': description: The service is temporarily unavailable schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '504': description: Timeout schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} /inlamning/{token}: post: tags: [inlamning] summary: Submit an annual report for review and electronic signing description: The service receives an electronic annual report and checks that it is properly formatted operationId: inlamning consumes: [application/json;charset=utf-8] produces: [application/json;charset=utf-8] parameters: - {name: token, in: path, description: Token for submission, required: true, type: string, format: uuid} - name: anropsobjekt description: Other information and the annual report in: body required: true schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/InlamningAnrop'} responses: '200': description: Annual report received schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/InlamningOK'} '400': description: Bad request schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '403': description: Unauthorized user of service schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '404': description: Organisation number missing schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '500': description: Unspecified technical problem schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '503': description: The service is temporarily unavailable schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} '504': description: Timeout schema: {$ref: '#/definitions/Fel'} parameters: orgnrPathParam: {name: orgnr, in: path, required: true, type: string, pattern: '[0-9]{10}', description: 'Organisation number for the public company. Ten digits, no dash.'} definitions: Upplysning: type: object description: Contains further details on errors etc. properties: kod: {type: integer, format: int32, description: Code that describes the kind of information. Described in a separate document.} text: {type: string, description: Text that leaves further information.} typ: type: string description: Classification of the information - info, warning or error. enum: [info, warn, error] required: [kod, text, typ] Fel: type: object description: Provides detailed error information. properties: kod: {type: integer, format: int32, description: Code that describes the error. Described in a separate document.} text: {type: string, description: Text that leaves further information about the error.} detaljinformation: type: array description: Detailed information about the error items: {$ref: '#/definitions/Upplysning'} required: [kod, text] SkapaTokenOK: type: object properties: token: {type: string, format: uuid, description: Token for submission} avtalstext: {type: string, description: Text to show to the end user.} avtalstextAndrad: {type: string, format: date, description: Date of last change of agreement text.} required: [token] InlamningOK: type: object properties: orgnr: {type: string, pattern: '[0-9]{10}', description: 'Organisation number for the public company. Ten digits, no dash.'} avsandare: {description: Personal identification number incl. century of person to whom the document is stored, type: string, pattern: '(19|20)[0-9]{10}'} undertecknare: {description: Personal ID number of the signer including century, type: string, pattern: '(19|20)[0-9]{10}'} dokumentlangd: {type: integer, format: int32, description: The length in bytes of the submitted document} idnummer: {type: string, description: ID number of the document in the separate space belonging to the user. For debugging use only.} url: {type: string, description: Url where the annual report is signed.} sha256checksumma: {type: string, format: byte, description: SHA-256 checksum of the submitted document} required: [orgnr, avsandare, undertecknare, dokumentlangd, idnummer, url, sha256checksumma] SkapaInlamningTokenAnrop: type: object description: Query object for personal identification number and organization number properties: pnr: {description: Personal identification number incl. century of person to whom the document is to be stored., type: string, pattern: '(19|20)[0-9]{10}'} orgnr: {type: string, pattern: '[0-9]{10}', description: 'Organisation number for the public company. Ten digits, no dash.'} required: [pnr, orgnr] InlamningAnrop: type: object description: Query object for submission of an annual report properties: undertecknare: {description: Personal ID number of the signer including century, type: string, pattern: '(19|20)[0-9]{10}'} mobiltbankid: {type: boolean, description: Flag that controls whether to start signing with mobilt bankid. Default is false} epostadresser: description: 'E-mail addresses to the persons that shall be informed that there is an electronic annual report that requires signing. ' type: array items: {type: string, minLength: 6, maxLength: 250} arsredovisningsfil: {type: string, format: byte, description: Annual report in iXBRL format. The file shall be encoded in UTF-8.} required: [undertecknare, arsredovisningsfil] externalDocs: {description: Information aboud electronic annual reports, url: 'http://bolagsverket.se/om/oss/samverkan/digital-ingivning'}